What is the best? Xbox One or Playstation 4?

All people likes entertainments. These days video games are one of the most popular choice to spend free time in home. Games quality, graphics, everything improving in a huge speed. So it is obvious that we require better computer to handle these amazing games.
You can also play games on your PC if you have enough money to upgrade it every half year, because PC working principle is a little bit different. Operation systems and everything are different plus PC are always running some extra programs so it is obvious that you have to have a really powerful personal computer to handle the latest games. So that's why gaming consoles are invented. But there are always some kind of compete in every industry between few companies, corporations. So these competitors are Microsoft and Sony. Their both products are really amazing and has a lot of unrealistic features what we couldn't even imagine about them before 10 years. Some says strong arguments for or against Sony and reverse someone says that Microsoft product is better. But to really decide which one is better is really hard. Probably it is very personal, and each person should decide which gaming console they should use. They can decide by price, company, features, design, users and etc. You can decide by lots of different kind of options. Differences between these consoles are different features they got. The truth is that both consoles are amazing and with both consoles you can play all latest games without having any lag. 

Source: http://fun-and-tech.blogspot.com.br/2014/02/xbox-one-or-playstation-4.html

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