What is the best? Xbox One or Playstation 4?

All people likes entertainments. These days video games are one of the most popular choice to spend free time in home. Games quality, graphics, everything improving in a huge speed. So it is obvious that we require better computer to handle these amazing games.

Were We Wrong? Do Games Really Cause Violence?


Headline: New study conducted at the Messer Institute concludes that grass is green and water is wet. News at 11:00...
No, it’s not Déjà vu. You are once again reading a violence in gaming article by yours truly. While I felt I had clamped the lid pretty tight on this debate, a recent study released by a university in Canada has once again proven that there are no bounds to stupidity in academia these days. Hell, these are typically the people we look to as our knowledgeable and wise sages to lead our world into a better age. Yet in all their research, despite their book learnin', they never seem to account for one of the most important variables in the equation: simple common sense.

Culture of Germany - Demography

Demography. In accordance with modern European patterns of demographic development, Germany's population rose from about 25 million in 1815 to over 60 million in 1914, despite heavy emigration. The population continued to rise in the first half of this century, though this trend was hindered by heavy losses in the two world wars. In 1997, the total population of Germany was 82 million. Of this sum, nearly 67 million lived in former West Germany, and just over 15 million lived in former East Germany. In 1939, the year Germany invaded Poland, the population of what was to become West Germany was 43 million and the population of what was to become East Germany was almost 17 million. This means that from 1939 to 1997, both the total population and the population of West Germany have increased, while the population of East Germany has decreased. 

Culture of Germany - Location and Geography

Germany Germany is located in north-central Europe. It shares boundaries with nine other countries: Denmark, Poland, the Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland, France, Luxembourg, Belgium, and the Netherlands. 

Culture of Germany - Identification

Identification. The name Germany is derived from the Latin word Germania, which, at the time of the Gallic War (58–51 B.C.E. ), was used by the Romans to designate various peoples occupying the region east of the Rhine. The German-language name Deutschland is derived from a Germanic root meaning volk, or people. A document (written in Latin) from the Frankish court of 786 C.E. uses the term theodisca lingua to refer to the colloquial speech of those who spoke neither Latin nor early forms of Romance languages. From this point forward, the term deutsch was employed to mark a difference in speech, which corresponded to political, geographic, and social distinctions as well. Since, however, the Frankish and Saxon kings of the early Middle Ages sought to characterize themselves as emperors of Rome, it does not seem valid to infer an incipient form of national 
consciousness. By the fifteenth century, the designation Heiliges Römisches Reich ,or "Holy Roman Empire," was supplemented with the qualifying phrase der deutschen Nation , meaning "of the German Nation." Still, it is important to note that, at that point in history, the phrase "German nation" referred only to the Estates of the Empire— dukes, counts, archbishops, electoral princes, and imperial cities—that were represented in the Imperial Diet. Nevertheless, this self-designation indicates the desire of the members of the Imperial Estates to distinguish themselves from the curia in Rome, with which they were embroiled in a number of political and financial conflicts. 

Italian culture traditions: Carnivals and celebrated holidays in Italy

http://ohistoriante.com.br/o-coliseu.gifThere are many celebrated holidays in Italy separate from the National holidays in Italy. In the ancient Roman Empire at one stage there were 182 celebrated holidays in Italy and Rome!
Today in the smaller towns of Italy you can find the most colorful carnivals.

Tufara in Molise re-enact the sacrificing/burning of a figure called "Carnevale" a huge straw puppet and a metaphor for all the sins of the population.

Italian culture traditions: Italian religion

italian culture traditionsAlmost all Italians are baptized but perhaps only 40% are practicing Catholics. About 85% of Italian Religion is accounted for by the Catholic faith. The remainder of Italian religion is made up of Muslims, Protestants, Jehovah's witnesses, Jews and Buddhists. Freedom of worship is written into the Italian Constitution.
The Roman Pantheon was the first building in Italy (and perhaps in the whole world?) dedicated to the people of Rome to freely practice their religion/spirituality.

The general audience given by the pope is usually every wednesday morning at 11Am in St Peter's square or the Papal Audience Chamber. Tickets are free but you need to book. Fax the "Prefettura della Casa Pontificia" at fax.06 6988 5863.
There are also blessings from the library window at noon on Sundays.