Is The Last Of Us Coming To PS4?

Remember that awesome game that came out last year on PlayStation 3 and totally blew everyone away with its amazing graphics, emotional story, superb voice acting and memorable characters? I am of course talking about The Last of Us.
Well according to a member on the PlayStation community, The Last of Us: Game of the Year edition is due to be released on the PS4 sometime in July. The user said he couldn’t reveal his source without getting him/her fired so it seems we can only take his word for it. He also said that Beyond: Two Souls will come to the PS4 as well.
Sony hasn’t announced anything regarding a PS4 version of either The Last of Us or Beyond: Two Souls but keep in mind that Tomb Raider has just been ported to next gen consoles so it’s not such a leap to think Sony might do the same.

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